Addressing Challenges to the Success of the Students of Color

The Advancing Scholars and Leaders (ASL) program recognizes and actively addresses the challenges that students of color may encounter on their path to success. These challenges can arise from different sources, including parents, faculty, peers, and the ASL participants themselves. By implementing proactive strategies, the program aims to create an inclusive and supportive environment where ASL students can thrive. The specific challenges and corresponding strategies are as follows:

  1. Parents:
    • Challenge: Many parents of ASL students may face unfamiliarity with the school’s guidelines and processes, which can hinder their ability to provide effective support. Additionally, some parents may feel privileged to have their child enrolled in the program and may hesitate to ask for additional assistance.
    • Strategy: Provide comprehensive resources and guidance to parents, ensuring they understand the school’s policies, procedures, and available support. Foster a culture of openness and encourage parents to actively engage with the program by providing opportunities for dialogue, workshops, and personalized support.
  2. Faculty:
    • Challenge: Despite the faculty’s commitment to supporting students of color, preconceived notions or unintentional micro-aggressions can create barriers to student success.
    • Strategy: Promote awareness and sensitivity among faculty members through training programs and workshops. Address implicit biases and encourage a supportive and inclusive classroom environment. Foster open communication channels where students can express their concerns, and establish mechanisms for addressing any incidents of bias or micro-aggressions.
  3. Peers:
    • Challenge: White peers may unknowingly bring their own agendas to the experiences of students of color. Their lack of understanding of cultural differences and potential micro-aggressions can create challenges for the ASL students.
    • Strategy: Develop educational initiatives to foster cultural awareness and empathy among all students. Encourage dialogue and open conversations about diversity, inclusion, and equity. 
  4. ASL Student:
    • Challenge: ASL students, despite their high academic performance, may face lower expectations due to being in the minority at a majority white private school. This can result in students setting low bars for themselves or feeling a lack of belonging.
    • Strategy: Implement targeted support systems for ASL students, such as individualized mentoring, counseling services, and academic guidance. Emphasize their strengths, achievements, and unique perspectives. Foster a sense of belonging through inclusive activities, recognition of their accomplishments, and opportunities for leadership roles within the school community.

By actively addressing these challenges, the ASL program, along with the dedicated ASL advisor and supporting administration, ensures that students of color feel valued, supported, and empowered within the school community. Through open conversations, awareness-building, and a focus on individual student and parent needs, the program aims to create an environment where all students can thrive and reach their full potential.  The weekly meeting and the group meeting allowed for role playing and discussion to ready the ASL students for challenges. These were done proactively and reactively.

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