Reflecting on 34 Years in Enrollment Management: The Five Pillars

After a fulfilling 34-year journey in the field of enrollment management, culminating in my role as the Dean of Enrollment at Northfield Mount Hermon School, I am excited to announce my retirement. It has been an incredible experience, one that has shaped me both personally and professionally. As I step away from my current role, I am eager to embark on a new adventure: consulting with Enrollment Management for Schools (

Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of working with countless dedicated professionals and witnessing firsthand the evolving landscape of education. As I transition into this new chapter, I am committed to continuing my work in this field, helping schools navigate the complexities of enrollment management and fulfill their mission

In my years of experience, I have experimented with a number of models for enrollment management professionals.  In 2010, based on the work of Sean D’Souza, I developed and taught a model that I believe can greatly benefit schools striving for excellence in enrollment management. Known as the Five Pillars, this framework encapsulates the core principles that have guided my work and can serve as a roadmap for schools aiming to enhance their marketing and recruiting strategies. While some of you are familiar with these concepts and have taken the course that I offered with AISAP, I hope this article serves as both a reminder and a resource for those who are new to it.

  1. Customer-Centric Approach: Understanding the specific challenges, needs, and problems faced by potential customers—students and their families—is the first step toward creating a successful enrollment strategy. This approach doesn’t fit into our mindsets. We take the school-centric approach, a “build and they shall come” or “take it or leave it” methodology.
  2. Demonstrate Expertise: Schools must show they are the best choice not just by saying it but by proving it through examples of excellence. Outstanding teaching, unique programs, and exceptional results are all part of demonstrating expertise. The goal is to start solving potential students’ educational problems even before they enroll.
  3. Solving the Customer’s Problem: Identifying why a family might consider leaving a free public school for a private option is essential. Schools must demonstrate that they can meet specific educational needs, showing that they provide a solution that aligns with what the family is looking for.
  4. Justifying the Cost: Proving that the education and benefits provided by the school are worth the tuition cost is vital. Beyond showcasing success stories like college placements, schools should collect various forms of evidence to highlight their value in meeting educational goals.
  5. Creating Disciples: Turning satisfied parents and students into advocates for the school is the final pillar. When people strongly believe in the value of the education they’ve received, they are likely to share their positive experiences with others, effectively promoting the school. Your brand will be secured.

Schools who invoke the Five Pillars strategy in their marketing and recruitment efforts will find themselves formidable against the competition. Furthermore, a school who incorporates the Pillar mindset within their program to support current students and families needs will be almost invincible. 

Looking Ahead: Continuing the Journey as a Consultant

While I am retiring from my role at Northfield Mount Hermon, I am not stepping away from the field entirely. Through Enrollment Management for Schools, I will be available for consulting, eager to share my knowledge and experience with schools seeking to improve their enrollment strategies. I look forward to this new chapter and the opportunities it brings to continue making a positive impact on the field of education.

Thank you to all my colleagues, students, and their families who have been part of this incredible journey. I am excited about the future and the chance to support schools in their pursuit of excellence in enrollment management.

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