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Establishing an Admission Risk Committee: Optimize for Student Success

In the ever-evolving landscape of private school admissions, establishing an Admission Risk Committee (ARC) is a strategic initiative that can optimize for student success in special consideration cases. The ARC at Northfield Mount Hermon (NMH) is designed to evaluate students whose admission profiles present various concerns but also hold potential benefits such as increasing net tuition revenue, enriching student composition, boosting philanthropy, or yielding influential connections.

Purpose and Process:

The primary goal of the ARC is to identify students who, despite some reservations, can contribute positively to the school’s objectives noted above. The process begins with the Dean of Enrollment reviewing the profiles of students who either score below a certain threshold or are flagged by the review committee. Based on the dean’s review, these students are categorized as acceptable, unacceptable, or requiring further evaluation by the ARC.

Committee Composition:

The ARC comprises key stakeholders, including:

  • Director of Counseling
  • Director of Academic Support
  • College Counselor
  • Academic Dean
  • Dean of Students
  • Director of Admission
  • Dean of Enrollment

Target Student Groups:

Students considered for further review by the ARC may include:

  • Selected full-pay students, especially those who are children of alumni
  • Children of NMH employees
  • Selected athletes or performing artist considered for funding

Decision-Making and Outcomes:

The ARC’s decisions are predominantly final, with rare exceptions escalated to the Head of School. Recommendations for accepted students may include pre-attendance requirements or in-year support measures, such as writing help or counseling sessions.

Benefits and Impact:

  1. Informed Admissions Decisions: The ARC provides a platform for deeper insights into applicants, ensuring that all factors, including potential risks and benefits, are thoroughly considered.
  2. Strategic Enrollment Management: By focusing on students who can enhance net tuition revenue, enrich the school’s composition, increase philanthropic contributions, or serve as influencers on behalf of the school, the ARC aligns admissions with strategic financial and community goals.
  3. Enhanced Support Systems: Faculty and staff involved in the ARC are pre-emptively aware of students’ needs, enabling proactive and tailored support, thereby increasing the likelihood of student success.

Implementing an Admission Risk Committee is a forward-thinking approach that not only optimizes admissions strategies but also fortifies the support framework for incoming students. This initiative empowers faculty, aligns with institutional goals, and ensures that these students have the potential for success at NMH.   

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