
How Can You Keep Your School’s Social Media Engaging Over the Summer?

Summer can be a tough time to keep social media active at your school. Are you one of those schools posting about lobsterfest for alumni, generic 4th of July greetings, weather announcements, or unremarkable photos? These posts often waste 10 weeks without advancing your brand. It’s a tough situation. The students are gone for the summer and you may be at a loss on what to put on your social media to keep engagement going. Below are some ideas that might help you create a more brand-contributing summer social media campaign. Faculty Spotlights Feature different faculty members, sharing their backgrounds, teaching philosophies, and what they love about the school. This humanizes the school by putting faces to the names, showing the expertise and passion of the teaching staff. It can also bolster excitement among your newly accepted students. Throwback Thursdays If it’s good, it has to have a name. On Throwback Thursday, post nostalgic photos and stories from past school events, performances, or milestones. This effort builds a sense of tradition and community, fostering a connection with alumni and prospective families who value heritage and continuity. Behind-the-Scenes Show behind-the-scenes looks at how the school is preparing for the upcoming school year, including maintenance work, classroom setups, and curriculum planning. This provides transparency and shows the hard work that goes into maintaining high standards, which can build trust and confidence in the school’s operations. It can also build belief in your financial strength. Summer Learning Tips Provide educational tips and activities that parents can do with their children at home during the summer. Throughout the year, you want to position the school as a partner in education beyond the classroom, demonstrating a commitment to student success year-round, which is attractive to proactive parents. Student Artwork and Projects You might have to plan this ahead of the summer, but share photos and videos of student artwork, science projects, and other notable work from the past school year. Depending on what work you are showing, give it a name like Project Proud or Innovation Gallery. Showcasing the students’ creativity and academic excellence gets prospective and new students excited about what could lie ahead. It also makes returning students and parents feel validated for their investment. Community Involvement Highlight how the students are staying involved in the community over the summer, such as through volunteer activities. This demonstrates the school’s effort in getting students to go out in the world and make a difference now. This will appeal to parents who value civic engagement and make teachers feel good that they are influencing an affluent group who is using their talents for good and not just summering in a camp program in Europe. Teacher Training and Workshops Most schools have their teachers participate in professional development. Describe the experience and get quotes from teachers who are excited about bringing what they’ve learned back to your school. This demonstrates the school’s dedication to professional development, ensuring high-quality education which can reassure prospective families of the school’s commitment to excellence. Summer Reading Lists Admittedly, this recommendation is chancy. Post recommended reading lists for different age groups and share student and teacher book reviews. However, you need to include how you’re going to use the materials because students may have read them a year ago. It’s not only the particular book but how you use it that makes it excellent. When articulated well, it can highlight the school’s commitment to continuous learning and intellectual development, appealing to parents who prioritize academic rigor. Parent Testimonials This may require some advanced planning. Collect testimonials from parents about their experiences with the school and the positive impact it has had on their children. This provides authentic endorsements from current families, which can be highly persuasive for prospective families considering enrollment. Creative Challenges Engage current and prospective students and families with fun challenges, such as art contests, writing prompts, or science experiments they can do at home. Highlight the best of the week and give this program a name too. This demonstrates to all families the school’s emphasis on creativity and active learning. By implementing these strategies, but doing it well, marketing, communication, and admission professionals can effectively maintain and even enhance their school’s social media presence during the summer months. These posts not only keep the community engaged but also contribute to building a stronger, more positive brand image that can attract new families and retain current ones. Engaging content that showcases the school’s strengths, values, and achievements can make a significant impact on your school’s reputation and appeal

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The Power of Testimonials: Identify With the Customer’s Needs

Imagine you’re a parent looking at schools for your child. You have a ton of options, but how do you decide which one is right? Enter testimonials. They aren’t just nice-to-have quotes; they’re powerful tools that can sway decisions and build trust. The Magic of Specificity Why Specificity Matters: Think of a parent sharing how their child went from struggling in math to acing exams because of a teacher’s extra effort. That’s powerful. Specific stories give a real glimpse into the student experience. Real-World Example: “My son was barely passing math. After joining the school’s tutoring program, he’s now top of his class. The personalized attention made all the difference.” Authenticity: The Heart of Testimonials Why Authenticity Matters: Real people, real stories. That’s what builds trust. When you hear a student talk about their journey from high school to a successful career, it feels genuine and relatable. Real-World Example: “I graduated in 2010 and now run my own tech startup. The school’s entrepreneurship program laid the foundation for my career.” Diverse Perspectives Paint a Full Picture Why Diversity Matters: It’s not just about students. Hearing from parents, alumni, and even teachers gives a fuller picture of what the school offers. Real-World Example: “As a teacher, I’ve seen firsthand how the school supports every student’s unique needs. The commitment here is unparalleled.” Emotional Connection: The Secret Sauce Why Emotion Matters: Stories that touch the heart stay with you. When a student talks about overcoming challenges with the support of a caring teacher, it creates a strong emotional bond. Real-World Example: “I was ready to drop out. I had dyslexia, but my teacher never gave up on me. Now, I’m heading to Dartmouth with a full scholarship.” Visual Elements: Seeing is Believing Why Visuals Matter: A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Adding photos or videos to testimonials brings them to life and makes them more relatable. Real-World Example: A video of a student explaining how the school changed their life adds a layer of authenticity that words alone can’t match. Credibility: Names and Details Matter Why Credibility Matters: Adding details like names, graduation years, and current achievements make testimonials more believable. Real-World Example: “Jane Doe, Class of 2010, now a successful entrepreneur, shares how the school’s entrepreneurship program set the foundation for her career.” Relevance: Speak to Their Concerns Why Relevance Matters: Different audiences have different concerns. Tailoring testimonials to address specific interests, like academic achievements for parents or campus life for students, makes them more impactful. Real-World Example: “The school’s focus on STEM programs prepared me perfectly for my career in engineering.” Balanced Feedback: Honesty Wins Why Balance Matters: Acknowledging challenges shows honesty and builds trust. No school is perfect, and addressing this makes testimonials more relatable. Real-World Example: “It wasn’t easy, but the support I received during tough times made all the difference.” Using Testimonials: Put Them Everywhere Testimonials work best when they’re seen. Use them on your website, in brochures, and across social media to reach a wider audience and reinforce your school’s message. Testimonials are more than just nice quotes; they’re powerful stories that build trust and credibility. By sharing real, detailed, and diverse experiences, schools can create a strong connection with prospective families and ultimately influence their decisions. Embrace the power of testimonials, and watch your school’s reputation and enrollment thrive.

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Making Your College Placement List Shine Without 25% Attending Ivy League Schools

Imagine walking into a room filled with parents, each eager to hear about their child’s potential future. They’re anxious, and the question on their minds is, “Will my child get into a top college?” Yes, even for the kindergarten parent. Not every school can boast of placements in Ivy League or big-name universities. So, how do you make your college placement list stand out? Let’s dive into a strategy that emphasizes individual success, broad opportunities, and the true value of your educational programs. Emphasizing Individual Success Stories Highlight Personal Journeys: Let’s start with the heart of the matter: the students. Showcase the unique stories of individual students and their paths to college acceptance. Detail their growth, achievements, and the support they received from the school. For instance, meet Alex, who discovered a passion for marine biology and got accepted into a specialized program at a University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. His journey, filled with internships and mentorship, paints a vivid picture of success. Profiles of Graduates: Create profiles of graduates who have been accepted into colleges that might not be top-ranked but are the perfect fit for their aspirations and career goals. Include testimonials and success stories. Imagine showcasing Sara, who chose a small liberal arts college known for its creative writing program, where she’s now a published poet. Showcasing a Broad Spectrum of Opportunities Diverse College Acceptances: Emphasize the variety of institutions where students have been accepted, from state universities to specialized colleges. This diversity shows that your school prepares students for a wide range of opportunities. Most parents love seeing that there’s a place for every student’s unique talents and interests. Highlight Unique Programs: Focus on acceptances to specialized programs (e.g., arts, technology, international studies) that might align with students’ passions and career aspirations. Perhaps you have a student accepted into a renowned cyber forensic school like Chaplain College or another into a prestigious toy design school such as Otis College of Arts and Design. These placements highlight your school’s ability to nurture diverse talents. Presenting Data Effectively Use Visual Aids: Data can be dry, but not if you present it using infographics, charts, and maps. These tools make the information visually appealing and easy to understand. Show a year-over-year improvement chart or a map highlighting where students are heading. Visuals can tell a powerful story. Year-over-Year Improvements: Highlight trends and improvements over time, showing how your institution consistently helps students achieve their goals. A timeline showing increasing acceptance rates or more diverse college destinations can be very compelling. Linking College Placements to School Programs Program-Specific Success: Connect college acceptances to specific programs or initiatives within your school. For example, if a significant number of students were accepted into engineering programs, highlight the success of your STEM curriculum. Show the direct link between what students learn and where they go. Alumni Impact: Include stories of alumni who have made significant achievements in their fields, regardless of the college they attended. This underscores the long-term value of the education they received. For instance, share the journey of a graduate who now leads a successful tech startup. Focus on Fit and Preparation Highlight the Right Fit: Emphasize, but not the sole focus, how your school helps students find the right college fit for their unique needs and goals, rather than focusing solely on the prestige of the institutions. Parents appreciate knowing that their child will be happy and successful, wherever they go. College Readiness: Showcase how your academic programs, extracurricular activities, and counseling services prepare students for college success, regardless of the institution. Detail how your school’s holistic approach ensures students are ready for any challenge. Post-College Success: Highlight stories of graduates who have gone on to succeed in their careers, emphasizing that the education and skills they gained at your school set them up for long-term success. For instance, show how a graduate from a state university is now a leading researcher in environmental science. Transparent and Authentic Reporting Accurate Data: Ensure that all information on your college placement list is accurate and up-to-date. Transparency builds trust and credibility with parents. Any inaccuracies can undermine your efforts. Contextual Information: Provide context for your data, such as the size of the graduating class and the variety of paths students choose after graduation, to give a fuller picture. This helps parents understand the breadth and depth of your school’s impact. Engaging with Families Open Communication: Keep an open line of communication with parents, providing regular updates on college counseling activities and successes. Engage them through newsletters, meetings, and online portals. Feedback Mechanisms: Collect and act on feedback from families and students to continuously improve your college counseling services and programs. This shows you value their input and are committed to excellence. Imagine how attractive and compelling your college counseling pages would be if you added this depth of knowledge and information, instead of the highlighted – one page of where your students went to college over the last three years.  By focusing on these strategies, you can make your college placement list shine even without the presence of Ivy League or name-brand schools. Highlighting individual successes, diverse opportunities, and the overall value of your educational programs will appeal to most parents.

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