

Why Competing with Public Schools is Easier than Competing with Walmart

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), in the fall of 2021, approximately 4.7 million students were enrolled in private K-12 schools, representing about 9% of the total student population in both public and private schools. In comparison, public schools enrolled around 48 million students during the same period (NCES). This data shows a stable trend in private school enrollment over the past decade, with some fluctuation caused by the pandemic. When it comes to private schools, the bulk of your competition comes from public schools. But here’s the kicker: competing against public schools is much easier than going head-to-head with giants like Walmart. We are lucky! The Advantage of Limited Expansion Think of Walmart as a snowball rolling downhill, continuously growing and drawing in more customers. Its capacity to expand is almost limitless, often taking customers from competitors like Target, Home Depot, or Krogers. On the other hand, public schools don’t grow as readily. Even the best public schools are likely to pack more students into existing spaces rather than expand significantly. Funding constraints, especially for programs that don’t boost state-wide exam scores, further limit their ability to grow. The largest branded private school competitors in your market don’t have the Walmart mindset either. They limit their numbers. They are unlikely to double their enrollment over the next five years or move up more than 1-3% in any given year. That gives you an opportunity. You just have to understand who the true competition is. To compete effectively, you, as the underdog, need to understand what you are up against. Focused Marketing: Know who you are competing with. You aren’t competing with the school that 75% of the time wins in the overlap. That’s no competition. You have two targets: the private schools you can beat 45-60% of the time and the public schools. Understand the Customer: What are the needs of the families who are weighing private and public schools as an option? Remember every year, you have an opportunity to change their choice. How do you help them understand what they are missing out on? Highlighting Individual Attention and Unique Opportunities: Against the public schools, at the least, you are going to outline the individual attention and, in many cases, the opportunities that enable students to reach their potential. Against both the private and the public school, you are highlighting your uniqueness. How do your offerings solve the educational problem of the customer? In the realm of private K-12 education, understanding your competition and leveraging your unique strengths is crucial. Public schools, while numerous, are constrained in their growth. For the private school market, remember, it’s not about competing with every school out there—it’s about identifying where you can win and doubling down on those areas. In this strategic battle, your greatest asset is your ability to provide a tailored, high-quality educational experience that public schools simply cannot match. Against the private schools, it’s all about your differentiation. Stay focused on the right targets and feel lucky that the board expectations around your enrollment isn’t the Walmart model.

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Reflecting on 34 Years in Enrollment Management: The Five Pillars

After a fulfilling 34-year journey in the field of enrollment management, culminating in my role as the Dean of Enrollment at Northfield Mount Hermon School, I am excited to announce my retirement. It has been an incredible experience, one that has shaped me both personally and professionally. As I step away from my current role, I am eager to embark on a new adventure: consulting with Enrollment Management for Schools ( Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of working with countless dedicated professionals and witnessing firsthand the evolving landscape of education. As I transition into this new chapter, I am committed to continuing my work in this field, helping schools navigate the complexities of enrollment management and fulfill their mission In my years of experience, I have experimented with a number of models for enrollment management professionals.  In 2010, based on the work of Sean D’Souza, I developed and taught a model that I believe can greatly benefit schools striving for excellence in enrollment management. Known as the Five Pillars, this framework encapsulates the core principles that have guided my work and can serve as a roadmap for schools aiming to enhance their marketing and recruiting strategies. While some of you are familiar with these concepts and have taken the course that I offered with AISAP, I hope this article serves as both a reminder and a resource for those who are new to it. Customer-Centric Approach: Understanding the specific challenges, needs, and problems faced by potential customers—students and their families—is the first step toward creating a successful enrollment strategy. This approach doesn’t fit into our mindsets. We take the school-centric approach, a “build and they shall come” or “take it or leave it” methodology. Demonstrate Expertise: Schools must show they are the best choice not just by saying it but by proving it through examples of excellence. Outstanding teaching, unique programs, and exceptional results are all part of demonstrating expertise. The goal is to start solving potential students’ educational problems even before they enroll. Solving the Customer’s Problem: Identifying why a family might consider leaving a free public school for a private option is essential. Schools must demonstrate that they can meet specific educational needs, showing that they provide a solution that aligns with what the family is looking for. Justifying the Cost: Proving that the education and benefits provided by the school are worth the tuition cost is vital. Beyond showcasing success stories like college placements, schools should collect various forms of evidence to highlight their value in meeting educational goals. Creating Disciples: Turning satisfied parents and students into advocates for the school is the final pillar. When people strongly believe in the value of the education they’ve received, they are likely to share their positive experiences with others, effectively promoting the school. Your brand will be secured. Schools who invoke the Five Pillars strategy in their marketing and recruitment efforts will find themselves formidable against the competition. Furthermore, a school who incorporates the Pillar mindset within their program to support current students and families needs will be almost invincible.  Looking Ahead: Continuing the Journey as a Consultant While I am retiring from my role at Northfield Mount Hermon, I am not stepping away from the field entirely. Through Enrollment Management for Schools, I will be available for consulting, eager to share my knowledge and experience with schools seeking to improve their enrollment strategies. I look forward to this new chapter and the opportunities it brings to continue making a positive impact on the field of education. Thank you to all my colleagues, students, and their families who have been part of this incredible journey. I am excited about the future and the chance to support schools in their pursuit of excellence in enrollment management.

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Story Telling

The Power of Storytelling in Communicating Your School’s Brand and Benefits

Imagine a family walking through our school’s doors for the first time. Their eyes are full of curiosity, their minds buzzing with questions, and their hearts hoping they can find the perfect place for their child. How do we ensure that our message cuts through the noise and resonates deeply with them? Let’s explore how we can craft compelling messages and communicate the true value of your school to prospective families. The Power of a Compelling Message When you think about communication, you need to think about storytelling. Every family that walks through your door is on a journey, and they’re looking for a guide. Your job is to tell them a story where their child is the hero and your school is the magical place that helps them achieve greatness. Crafting the Message: Start with a Hook: Begin with something that grabs attention. Maybe it’s a success story about a student who thrived at your school or an exciting new program that sets you apart. Focus on Benefits, Not Features: Parents care about how your school will benefit their child. Instead of listing facilities, talk about how those facilities enhance learning and personal growth. Use Testimonials: Nothing is more powerful than hearing from other parents or students. Share testimonials that highlight the experiences and successes of current students and families. Imagine this: “At [Your School], we believe in nurturing each child’s unique potential. Just ask Sarah, a third-grader who discovered her love for science in our state-of-the-art lab. Today, she dreams of becoming an astronaut.” The Hero’s Journey: Making the Child the Star Every story needs a hero, and in your narrative, that hero is the child. Parents want to envision their child thriving, growing, and succeeding. Your storytelling should make it easy for them to see their child as the central character in an inspiring tale. Example: “Meet Jake, a shy kindergartener who joined our school last year. With the support of our dedicated teachers, Jake discovered his love for art. Today, he’s not only confident but also the youngest winner of the regional art competition.” Creating an Emotional Connection Facts tell, but stories sell. A well-told story taps into emotions, making the listener feel a connection with your school. When families feel this emotional connection, they’re more likely to choose your school over others. Example: “When Emma’s family moved to our town, she was anxious about starting a new school. But from the moment she walked into her first-grade classroom, she was welcomed with open arms. Our buddy system paired her with Olivia, a friendly classmate who showed her the ropes. Now, Emma and Olivia are inseparable, and Emma’s parents are thrilled with how quickly she adapted and flourished.” Highlighting Unique Programs Through Stories Your school’s unique programs are a significant selling point, but simply listing them isn’t enough. Weave them into stories that showcase their impact on students’ lives. Example: “Our innovative STEM program isn’t just about learning; it’s about doing. Take our seventh-grader, Liam, who used our 3D printers to create a prosthetic hand for his science fair project. His project didn’t just win the top prize; it changed the life of a local child who received the prosthetic. This hands-on experience ignited Liam’s passion for engineering, and he now dreams of attending MIT.” Using Testimonials to Strengthen Your Story Testimonials from current students and parents are powerful because they provide real-world validation of your school’s benefits. They add authenticity to your narrative and build trust with prospective families. Example: “Jessica, a parent of two students at our school, shared, ‘I was initially worried about how my kids would adjust to a new environment. But the teachers and staff were incredibly supportive. My son, who was previously struggling with math, is now excelling thanks to the personalized attention he receives. My daughter loves the after-school programs, especially the robotics club. We couldn’t be happier with our decision.’” The Importance of Personalization Personalized stories resonate more deeply because they show that you understand and care about individual experiences. Tailor your stories to address the specific interests and concerns of the families you are communicating with. Example: “During your visit, we noticed that your daughter, Lily, showed a keen interest in our music room. Did you know that our music program has helped many students find their passion? Take Sam, for instance. He joined our school with a love for music but no formal training. Today, he plays in the state youth orchestra and credits his success to the nurturing environment and excellent instruction he received here.” Try to Avoid This Approach It’s crucial to ensure that our administrators can effectively communicate our school’s story. I’ve encountered instances where administrators, despite being knowledgeable about our program, struggled to convey the essence of what we offer. For example, after one event, a senior leader sought feedback on their presentation. I advised them to incorporate storytelling to highlight the benefits of our teaching methods. However, they couldn’t make this shift. After another attempt, I had to remove them from the spotlight, with the head of school supporting my decision. Facts alone are not memorable and can come across as dull. Instead, storytelling is essential to engage and inspire our audience, making our message impactful and memorable. Conclusion: Transforming Information into Inspiration Storytelling transforms information into inspiration. It’s not just about telling families what your school offers but showing them the impact those offerings have on real students’ lives. By crafting compelling narratives, making children the heroes, creating emotional connections, and using testimonials, you can communicate the true value of your school in a way that resonates deeply with prospective families. Imagine this: A family leaves your school tour not just informed but inspired. They can see their child thriving in your environment, growing with each unique opportunity your school offers. That’s the power of storytelling. Use it wisely, and watch as your enrollment numbers grow and your school community thrives.

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Planning ideas on a chalkboard

7 Summer Strategies for Advancing Your Enrollment Management Work

Summer might traditionally be seen as the slowest time for schools, but for Enrollment Management Professionals, it’s a crucial period for laying the groundwork for the upcoming academic year. Even if your school is still busy in the summer trying to bring in more applications, you should still fit in a couple of these ideas to enhance your admission program and progress your marketing and recruitment efforts. Let’s dive into the strategies that can make a difference: 1. Data Analysis and Reporting Picture this: it’s a warm summer day, and you’re diving deep into your enrollment data from the previous year. OK, maybe that isn’t how you want to picture yourself on a warm summer day.  However, this is your chance to analyze application trends, yield rates, retention numbers, and attrition data. Don’t overlook the full-pay family data. If you’re one of those schools that can lump these numbers together with the aided group, that’s great. But for the majority who can’t afford to ignore this, you’ll find that separating full-pay students can reveal unexpected insights. Comprehensive reporting on these findings can inform your strategic planning and targeted recruitment efforts. 2. Enhancing Marketing Strategies Summer is the perfect time to breathe new life into your marketing materials. Review and refresh your school’s website, brochures, and social media profiles. Highlight unique programs, recent achievements, and student testimonials. Are you addressing the problems, needs, and desires of your prospective families effectively? Refine your messaging to make sure it’s consistent across all platforms, helping them believe that your school can deliver on its promise. 3. Community Engagement and Relationship Building Building strong relationships with feeder schools, community organizations, and local influencers can significantly impact enrollment numbers. Yes, people are on vacation, and some schools close for the summer. But why not entice them with lunch at your school or a guest speaker who can address their challenges? New partnerships lead to increased referrals and a stronger community presence. 4. Professional Development Take advantage of the slower summer pace to attend workshops, webinars, and conferences. Stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in the field. Organizations like the Association of Independent School Admission Professions (AISAP), Independent School Management (ISM), and the Enrollment Management Association (EMA) offer a wealth of programs. Networking with peers and learning from industry leaders can provide new insights and innovative approaches to enrollment management. 5. Planning Open Houses and Tours With the busy school year behind you, summer is the perfect time to plan and organize open houses and tours. These events are critical for showcasing your school’s facilities, culture, and academic programs. Think about what you can do differently this time to increase the value of these programs, particularly when all your competitors are doing open houses and tours too. Ensuring these events are well-organized and engaging can leave a lasting impression on prospective families. 6. Reviewing and Updating Admissions Processes Take a close look at your admissions process to identify any bottlenecks or areas for improvement. Are the questions in your application serving you well? Are there onerous ones for families that aren’t necessary? Is your evaluation matrix working for you? Are you getting consistency among the readers? Simplifying application procedures, enhancing communication with applicants, and ensuring a smooth and welcoming experience can boost applicant satisfaction and conversion rates. 7. Collaborating with Faculty and Staff Engage with faculty and staff to gather feedback on the enrollment process and discuss ways to improve it. Collaboration can lead to new ideas and a more cohesive approach to welcoming new students and families into the school community. So, what’s the real takeaway? It’s about transforming the “slow” summer months into a powerhouse of productivity and preparation. When you focus on these seven strategies—data analysis, marketing enhancements, community engagement, professional development, meticulous planning of open houses, refining admissions processes, and faculty collaboration—you’re not just preparing; you’re setting the stage for unparalleled success.

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Medical Doctor Showing Innovation

How Well Are You Promoting Innovative Education?

Imagine a school where students are not just learning from textbooks, but are also engaged in hands-on projects, using cutting-edge technology, and collaborating across disciplines. This is the promise of innovative education. For admission professionals at K-12 private schools, understanding and showcasing these innovative educational programs can be a powerful tool for attracting prospective families. Let’s explore how you can use the concept of innovative education to strengthen your marketing and recruitment efforts. Why Innovative Education Matters Innovation in education is essential for meeting the evolving needs of students, preparing them for the future, and fostering a culture of creativity and lifelong learning. By embracing innovative educational programs, schools can offer dynamic and engaging learning experiences that set them apart from the competition. Key Elements of Innovative Educational Programs Cutting-Edge Technologies: Highlight how your school leverages the latest technologies to enhance learning. This could include interactive digital tools, virtual reality experiences, and state-of-the-art laboratories. Showing that your school is at the forefront of educational technology can attract tech-savvy families looking for a modern learning environment. Interdisciplinary Approaches: Emphasize how your school integrates different subjects to create a more holistic and engaging learning experience. Programs that combine science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) can appeal to families interested in well-rounded education. Project-Based Learning: Showcase examples of students working on real-world projects. This hands-on approach not only enhances understanding but also develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Highlighting successful student projects can demonstrate the effectiveness of your innovative programs. Industry-Relevant Skills: Discuss how your curriculum incorporates skills that are relevant to today’s job market. This could include coding, robotics, entrepreneurship, and more. Parents want to know that their children are being prepared for future careers, and highlighting these skills can reassure them of your school’s commitment to their child’s future success. Collaborative Learning Environments: Highlight the opportunities for students to work together on projects and learn from one another. Collaborative learning fosters teamwork, communication, and adaptability—skills that are essential in the modern world. Using Innovative Education in Marketing Tell Compelling Stories: Share stories of students who have thrived in your innovative programs. Use testimonials from both students and parents to illustrate the positive impact these programs have had on their educational journey. Create Engaging Visuals: Use videos and infographics to showcase your innovative programs in action. Visual content is engaging and can be easily shared on social media and other platforms. Host Open Houses and Demonstrations: Invite prospective families to see your innovative programs firsthand. Demonstrations and open houses allow them to experience the excitement and engagement that these programs offer. Leverage Data and Outcomes: Present data on student achievements and outcomes that result from your innovative programs. This could include college acceptances, awards, and notable projects. Concrete evidence of success is compelling for prospective families. Highlight Faculty Expertise: Showcase the qualifications and expertise of your faculty who are leading these innovative programs. Parents will be reassured knowing that their children are learning from experienced and passionate educators. Here’s my sermon about promoting innovative education. It’s not just about talking-the-talk, it’s about walking-the-walk and then some. Many schools out there boast about their innovative approaches, but they often fall short of truly showcasing what makes their programs stand out. Imagine you’re trying to sell a state-of-the-art smartphone. You wouldn’t just list its features; you’d demonstrate how those features solve everyday problems, making life easier and more exciting. The same goes for your school’s innovative education programs. You need to show, not just tell, why your approach is uniquely powerful. Public schools are using similar buzzwords. If you don’t put forth a compelling narrative, backed by concrete examples and results, you risk blending into the background. When you embrace the power of innovative education and effectively communicate its benefits, you don’t just attract prospective families—you create believers who see your school as the ultimate launchpad for their child’s growth and success. It’s about making a compelling case that your school isn’t just an option; it’s the best choice for a future-ready education.

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Group of Faculty

Tips on Leveraging Faculty Qualifications to Demonstrate Educational Excellence

Imagine you’re a parent looking for the best school for your child. You want to ensure that the teachers shaping your child’s future are not just good, but exceptional. This is where the power of faculty qualifications comes in. For heads of schools, deans of enrollment, directors of marketing, and other admissions professionals at PK-12 schools, showcasing your faculty’s credentials can be a game-changer in attracting prospective families. Let’s explore how you can leverage this valuable asset. Why Faculty Qualifications Matter When parents consider schools, one of the most critical factors is the quality of the teachers. Faculty members are the backbone of any educational institution. Their qualifications and expertise are crucial for ensuring academic excellence and fostering student success. Understanding and showcasing what makes your faculty exceptional is the first step in demonstrating their value to prospective families. Key Aspects of Faculty Qualifications Educational Background: Highlight the degrees, certifications, and specialized training your teachers have completed. This foundation of knowledge shows that your faculty is well-prepared to deliver high-quality education. Professional Experience: Many faculty members bring real-world experience from their respective fields into the classroom. This practical knowledge provides students with valuable insights and a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Research and Contributions: Faculty who engage in research, publish papers, or contribute to their field in other ways demonstrate a commitment to advancing knowledge. This ongoing involvement ensures they are up-to-date with the latest developments and can offer current and relevant instruction. Continuous Professional Development: Teachers who attend conferences, participate in workshops, and pursue further education show a dedication to their own growth and improvement. This commitment to learning translates into better teaching and more dynamic classrooms. Passion and Dedication: Beyond formal qualifications, the enthusiasm and commitment that teachers bring to their roles are invaluable. Faculty members who are passionate about teaching inspire and motivate students, creating a positive and engaging learning environment. Using Faculty Qualifications in Marketing Showcase Individual Stories: Share stories and profiles of your teachers, highlighting their qualifications, experience, and dedication. Personal stories make the information relatable and compelling. Highlight Achievements and Awards: If your faculty members have received awards or recognition, make sure to feature these in your marketing materials. Awards are tangible proof of excellence. Provide Data and Testimonials: Use data to show the level of education and experience among your faculty. Combine this with testimonials from current students and parents who have benefited from the expertise of your teachers. Visual Content: Create videos or infographics that highlight the qualifications and accomplishments of your faculty. Visual content is engaging and can be easily shared on social media and other platforms. Focus on Impact: Show how your faculty’s qualifications translate into student success. Highlight alumni achievements and how the education they received from your teachers helped them reach their goals. Understanding and leveraging faculty qualifications isn’t just a smart move; it’s essential for standing out in the competitive landscape of private education. But let’s be honest—this isn’t something you can set and forget. You need to keep your faculty profiles updated and fresh. Get your academic leaders on board with this mission. If you’re already doing some of this, double down and do more. Why? Because the evidence that your school is worth the investment is right at your fingertips. Take advantage of it. By following these strategies, you don’t just improve your school’s image; you craft a compelling narrative that resonates with prospective families. Exceptional faculty qualifications are more than just credentials; they are a testament to the quality and dedication of your educational institution. 

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Managing Parental Objections to Your Private School Enrollment

As enrollment professionals at K-12 private schools, you’re often faced with various objections from prospective families during the admissions process. Unfortunately, often we don’t hear from them until after the fact and they have chosen other schools. These concerns can range from financial issues to program suitability and location. Effectively addressing these objections is crucial for successfully attracting and retaining students. Let’s explore some common objections and strategies for addressing them to ease parents’ concerns and showcase the value of your school. Common Objections and Strategies to Address Them 1. Financial Concerns Objection: “We can’t afford the tuition fees.” Response: Acknowledge the concern and discuss the financial aid options available. Highlight scholarships, payment plans, and any other financial support programs your school offers. You need to demonstrate more value.  Share success stories of families who have benefited from these programs to illustrate that a quality education is worth the cost.  2. Program Suitability Objection: “I’m not sure if your program meets my child’s needs.” Response: Take the time to understand the specific needs of the child and parents. Highlight the strengths and unique aspects of your curriculum that align with those needs. Offer to arrange meetings with faculty members or visits to classrooms to provide a firsthand look at how your programs can support their child’s growth. 3. School Location Objection: “The school is too far from our home.” Response: Address this concern by discussing transportation options. If your school offers bus services or carpooling programs, make sure to highlight these. Additionally, discuss the possibility of after-school care programs that might ease the logistical challenges for working parents. 4. Extracurricular Opportunities Objection: “I’m concerned there aren’t enough extracurricular activities.” Response: Provide a comprehensive list of the extracurricular activities available at your school, including clubs, sports teams, arts programs, and more. Share examples of how these activities have positively impacted students’ lives and helped them develop skills beyond the classroom. 5. Academic Rigor Objection: “Is the academic program challenging enough for my child?” Response: Highlight the academic achievements of your students and the credentials of your faculty. Discuss advanced placement (AP) courses, honors programs, and any partnerships with local colleges or universities that enhance academic rigor. Use data and testimonials from current students and alumni to demonstrate the success of your academic programs. 6. Community and Culture Objection: “We’re not sure if we’ll fit in with the school community.” Response: Emphasize the inclusive and supportive nature of your school community. Share stories and testimonials from diverse families who have found a welcoming and enriching environment at your school. Offer opportunities for prospective families to attend school events or meet with current parents to get a sense of the community. Utilizing Data and Testimonials Data on student success, alumni achievements, and program outcomes can be powerful tools in navigating objections. Share relevant statistics and testimonials from current students, alumni, and parents to provide tangible evidence of your school’s impact and effectiveness. Real-life success stories and positive experiences can help alleviate concerns and build trust with prospective families. Follow-Up and Relationship Building Effective communication and follow-up are essential components of navigating objections. Regularly follow up with prospective families, address any lingering concerns, and maintain open lines of communication. Building strong relationships with families throughout the enrollment process creates a positive and supportive experience that encourages them to choose your school. Conclusion: Ultimately, It’s About How They Value Your School In most of these cases, it comes down to the value calculation.  Is your school worth the cost.  Each one of the objectives saturated with additional value to the parents will cause them to dissolve away.  When you lose students to another school, they have determined that your school for the cost – dollars, lifestyle, emotion, brand, etc., is not worth the cost.  By understanding concerns, highlighting the value of your school, providing practical solutions, utilizing data, and building relationships, you can more effectively address objections and attract prospective families. Prioritizing the needs and concerns of families fosters a welcoming and supportive environment that ultimately leads to increased student enrollment and retention.  This approach is about being customers-centric, a weakness for many of our schools. If you would like to hear more on the customer-centric vs. the school-centric approach make a note in the comment section.

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Third-Party Websites: Are You Leveraging Their Power?

Third-party websites play a crucial role in the enrollment management success of private schools. These websites often serve as a first point of contact, offering comprehensive and unbiased insights that can influence decision-making. By leveraging the visibility and reach of third-party platforms, private schools can enhance their online presence, build trust with potential applicants, and effectively showcase their unique value propositions to a broader audience. Additionally, positive reviews and testimonials on these sites can significantly boost a school’s reputation and appeal, ultimately driving enrollment numbers and supporting long-term growth. Validation of Excellence: Picture this scenario: an educational journal or a national association such as  National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) posts online and praises your school’s innovative teaching methods. This isn’t just a pat on the back; it’s a powerful endorsement. When reputable third parties recognize your institution, it validates your commitment to excellence in academics, teaching quality, and student outcomes. This validation instills confidence in prospective students and parents who seek assurance of a high-quality education. It’s like having an expert vouch for your credibility, making your school the obvious choice. Increased Visibility and Reputation: In today’s crowded educational landscape, visibility is key. When your school gets a shoutout in electronic educational journals, magazines, or newspapers, it elevates your visibility. Take, for example, a mention in “Ideas & Perspective” produced by Independent School Management (ISM) that highlights your unique STEM program. Some schools have been fortunate to leverage articles in the New York Times or The Washington Post.  This recognition attracts attention from a wider audience, putting your school on the map.  Most schools have feeder schools and this will give them a sense that ISM, in this case, perceives you as a leader which will trickle down to their families. Trust and Credibility: Trust is the cornerstone of any educational relationship. Third-party recognition builds this trust by providing an objective assessment of your institution’s performance and impact. When industry professionals or experts validate your school’s achievements, it reassures stakeholders of your credibility and dedication to educational excellence. It’s like having a trusted friend recommend a service; it carries weight and fosters trust.  Leveraging Sites Designed for Recruiting Students: Third-party websites such as,, and are invaluable assets for the enrollment management success of private schools. These platforms offer an independent and credible source of information for prospective families, who rely on them to gather comprehensive insights and compare educational institutions. By featuring positive reviews and testimonials, these sites provide schools with a unique opportunity to build trust and credibility. Testimonials from current students and parents serve as powerful endorsements, showcasing real experiences and satisfaction, which can significantly influence decision-making. The visibility and reach of these third-party websites help private schools enhance their online presence, attract a broader audience, and ultimately drive enrollment numbers, contributing to long-term growth and success. Recruiting Faculty: On a side note, credibility gained through third-party recognition can significantly impact faculty recruitment and retention. Faculty are more likely to choose an institution with a strong reputation backed by external recognition. Picture a prospective employee trying to decide between two schools; they’re likely to choose the one highlighted by credible 3rd party experts. Current faculty, too, feel a sense of pride and belonging in a school with regional and national recognition.   Continuous Improvement: Recognition isn’t just about basking in the glory; it’s a motivator for continuous improvement. When your school receives third-party recognition, it sets a standard to maintain and build upon. This drives ongoing enhancements in teaching, learning, and overall educational quality. It’s like being an athlete who wins a medal; the recognition pushes you to train harder and achieve more.    Building credibility through third-party recognition in education isn’t just a strategy; it’s a journey towards excellence. By leveraging external validation, private schools can strengthen their credibility, differentiate themselves in the market, and foster a culture of continuous improvement and success in enrollment management.  That’s the power of third-party recognition.

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How Can You Keep Your School’s Social Media Engaging Over the Summer?

Summer can be a tough time to keep social media active at your school. Are you one of those schools posting about lobsterfest for alumni, generic 4th of July greetings, weather announcements, or unremarkable photos? These posts often waste 10 weeks without advancing your brand. It’s a tough situation. The students are gone for the summer and you may be at a loss on what to put on your social media to keep engagement going. Below are some ideas that might help you create a more brand-contributing summer social media campaign. Faculty Spotlights Feature different faculty members, sharing their backgrounds, teaching philosophies, and what they love about the school. This humanizes the school by putting faces to the names, showing the expertise and passion of the teaching staff. It can also bolster excitement among your newly accepted students. Throwback Thursdays If it’s good, it has to have a name. On Throwback Thursday, post nostalgic photos and stories from past school events, performances, or milestones. This effort builds a sense of tradition and community, fostering a connection with alumni and prospective families who value heritage and continuity. Behind-the-Scenes Show behind-the-scenes looks at how the school is preparing for the upcoming school year, including maintenance work, classroom setups, and curriculum planning. This provides transparency and shows the hard work that goes into maintaining high standards, which can build trust and confidence in the school’s operations. It can also build belief in your financial strength. Summer Learning Tips Provide educational tips and activities that parents can do with their children at home during the summer. Throughout the year, you want to position the school as a partner in education beyond the classroom, demonstrating a commitment to student success year-round, which is attractive to proactive parents. Student Artwork and Projects You might have to plan this ahead of the summer, but share photos and videos of student artwork, science projects, and other notable work from the past school year. Depending on what work you are showing, give it a name like Project Proud or Innovation Gallery. Showcasing the students’ creativity and academic excellence gets prospective and new students excited about what could lie ahead. It also makes returning students and parents feel validated for their investment. Community Involvement Highlight how the students are staying involved in the community over the summer, such as through volunteer activities. This demonstrates the school’s effort in getting students to go out in the world and make a difference now. This will appeal to parents who value civic engagement and make teachers feel good that they are influencing an affluent group who is using their talents for good and not just summering in a camp program in Europe. Teacher Training and Workshops Most schools have their teachers participate in professional development. Describe the experience and get quotes from teachers who are excited about bringing what they’ve learned back to your school. This demonstrates the school’s dedication to professional development, ensuring high-quality education which can reassure prospective families of the school’s commitment to excellence. Summer Reading Lists Admittedly, this recommendation is chancy. Post recommended reading lists for different age groups and share student and teacher book reviews. However, you need to include how you’re going to use the materials because students may have read them a year ago. It’s not only the particular book but how you use it that makes it excellent. When articulated well, it can highlight the school’s commitment to continuous learning and intellectual development, appealing to parents who prioritize academic rigor. Parent Testimonials This may require some advanced planning. Collect testimonials from parents about their experiences with the school and the positive impact it has had on their children. This provides authentic endorsements from current families, which can be highly persuasive for prospective families considering enrollment. Creative Challenges Engage current and prospective students and families with fun challenges, such as art contests, writing prompts, or science experiments they can do at home. Highlight the best of the week and give this program a name too. This demonstrates to all families the school’s emphasis on creativity and active learning. By implementing these strategies, but doing it well, marketing, communication, and admission professionals can effectively maintain and even enhance their school’s social media presence during the summer months. These posts not only keep the community engaged but also contribute to building a stronger, more positive brand image that can attract new families and retain current ones. Engaging content that showcases the school’s strengths, values, and achievements can make a significant impact on your school’s reputation and appeal

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How Can You Keep Your School’s Social Media Engaging Over the Summer? Read More »

The Power of Testimonials: Identify With the Customer’s Needs

Imagine you’re a parent looking at schools for your child. You have a ton of options, but how do you decide which one is right? Enter testimonials. They aren’t just nice-to-have quotes; they’re powerful tools that can sway decisions and build trust. The Magic of Specificity Why Specificity Matters: Think of a parent sharing how their child went from struggling in math to acing exams because of a teacher’s extra effort. That’s powerful. Specific stories give a real glimpse into the student experience. Real-World Example: “My son was barely passing math. After joining the school’s tutoring program, he’s now top of his class. The personalized attention made all the difference.” Authenticity: The Heart of Testimonials Why Authenticity Matters: Real people, real stories. That’s what builds trust. When you hear a student talk about their journey from high school to a successful career, it feels genuine and relatable. Real-World Example: “I graduated in 2010 and now run my own tech startup. The school’s entrepreneurship program laid the foundation for my career.” Diverse Perspectives Paint a Full Picture Why Diversity Matters: It’s not just about students. Hearing from parents, alumni, and even teachers gives a fuller picture of what the school offers. Real-World Example: “As a teacher, I’ve seen firsthand how the school supports every student’s unique needs. The commitment here is unparalleled.” Emotional Connection: The Secret Sauce Why Emotion Matters: Stories that touch the heart stay with you. When a student talks about overcoming challenges with the support of a caring teacher, it creates a strong emotional bond. Real-World Example: “I was ready to drop out. I had dyslexia, but my teacher never gave up on me. Now, I’m heading to Dartmouth with a full scholarship.” Visual Elements: Seeing is Believing Why Visuals Matter: A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Adding photos or videos to testimonials brings them to life and makes them more relatable. Real-World Example: A video of a student explaining how the school changed their life adds a layer of authenticity that words alone can’t match. Credibility: Names and Details Matter Why Credibility Matters: Adding details like names, graduation years, and current achievements make testimonials more believable. Real-World Example: “Jane Doe, Class of 2010, now a successful entrepreneur, shares how the school’s entrepreneurship program set the foundation for her career.” Relevance: Speak to Their Concerns Why Relevance Matters: Different audiences have different concerns. Tailoring testimonials to address specific interests, like academic achievements for parents or campus life for students, makes them more impactful. Real-World Example: “The school’s focus on STEM programs prepared me perfectly for my career in engineering.” Balanced Feedback: Honesty Wins Why Balance Matters: Acknowledging challenges shows honesty and builds trust. No school is perfect, and addressing this makes testimonials more relatable. Real-World Example: “It wasn’t easy, but the support I received during tough times made all the difference.” Using Testimonials: Put Them Everywhere Testimonials work best when they’re seen. Use them on your website, in brochures, and across social media to reach a wider audience and reinforce your school’s message. Testimonials are more than just nice quotes; they’re powerful stories that build trust and credibility. By sharing real, detailed, and diverse experiences, schools can create a strong connection with prospective families and ultimately influence their decisions. Embrace the power of testimonials, and watch your school’s reputation and enrollment thrive.

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