Are We Falling Prey to These Enrollment Killers?

As enrollment management directors at K-12 schools, it is crucial to recognize and address the factors that can negatively impact enrollment numbers. Here are 12 potential pitfalls that can jeopardize the success of your enrollment strategy, along with actionable insights to help you navigate these challenges effectively.

1. Compromising on Student Fit to Meet Budget

Enrolling students who aren’t the best match for your school just to meet budgetary goals can lead to dissatisfied families and a weakened school image. Ensure that admissions decisions prioritize long-term fit and alignment with the school’s values and mission.  This is not to say that every student needs to be a perfect fit.  Not every school enrollment situation can support this level of selectivity.  Select carefully; consider learning about a Risk Committee as part of your process.  

2. Increasing Tuition Costs

Tuition hikes that far outpace cost of living increases can make your school unaffordable for many families. Implement strategic financial aid policies and consider alternative revenue streams to keep tuition increases in check.

3. Competition from Wealthy Public Schools

Financially able constituents are pushing for changes in public schools, which are becoming increasingly competitive. To stay ahead, emphasize the unique benefits and outcomes of your private school education.

4. Alternative Educational Solutions

Parents are finding cost-effective ways to supplement public school education, such as hiring tutors,  joining educational clubs or using online courses. Highlight the comprehensive and holistic education your school provides, which cannot be easily replicated through piecemeal solutions.

5. Lack of Inclusivity

Failure to create an inclusive environment for students of color, non-traditional families, and diverse backgrounds can limit your applicant pool. Foster a welcoming culture and actively recruit from underrepresented communities.

6. Resistance to Change

Autonomy in education can lead to stubbornness against necessary changes. Embrace parent and student-centered approaches, and be open to evolving educational practices to meet modern demands.

7. Apathy During Good Times

During prosperous times, schools often become complacent about marketing. Maintain a proactive marketing strategy regardless of current enrollment success to build and sustain your school’s image.

8. Poor Problem Recognition

Schools often fail to foresee or recognize problems until they become critical. Develop a robust system for identifying potential issues early, and foster a culture that values proactive problem-solving.

9. Lack of Empirical Evidence

Parents increasingly demand clear, data-driven proof of the benefits of a private school education. Collect and present compelling evidence of your school’s impact on student outcomes.

10. Financial Uncertainty Among Families

Economic instability can make families hesitant to commit to long-term tuition payments. Offer flexible payment plans and communicate the value proposition of your education clearly.

11. Misalignment of Marketing Efforts

Marketing messages that do not resonate with prospective families can result in missed enrollment opportunities. Tailor your marketing efforts to address the specific needs and concerns of your target audience.

12. Inadequate Engagement with Current Families

Satisfied current families are your best advocates. Foster strong relationships with them and encourage word-of-mouth referrals to enhance your school’s reputation and attract new applicants.


By identifying and addressing these 12 enrollment killers, K-12 enrollment management directors can enhance their strategies and ensure sustained success. Stay proactive, adaptable, and focused on delivering value to both current and prospective families to navigate the challenges of today’s educational landscape.

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