Action Plan for Setting Up a Reception Event at a Current Parent’s Home

Objective: This action plan is designed to assist enrollment management professionals in organizing a successful reception event at a current parent’s home. This event aims to engage prospective families, provide them with valuable insights into the school, and create a personal connection that supports enrollment goals.


  1. Authentic Testimonials: Current parents can provide genuine and relatable insights into their experiences with the school, making a powerful impact on prospective families.
  2. Personalized Engagement: Hosting the event in a parent’s home creates a warm and intimate setting that encourages open communication and personal connections.
  3. Cost-Effective: Utilizing a parent’s home can reduce venue costs, allowing more budget allocation for other aspects of the event, such as catering or promotional materials.
  4. High Credibility: When current parents, who have a vested interest in the school, advocate for it, their endorsement carries more weight and can be highly persuasive to potential families.


  1. Potential Bias: Prospective families might perceive the host’s views as biased or overly positive, possibly leading to unrealistic expectations about the school.
  2. Limited Reach: The number of attendees may be restricted by the size of the host’s home, potentially limiting the event’s impact.
  3. Varied Representation: The experience and views of a single family may not fully represent the diversity and breadth of the school community, leading to a skewed perception.
  4. Privacy Concerns: Inviting prospective families into a private home might raise concerns about privacy and safety, both for the host family and the guests

Step 1: Identify Target Locations

  • Demographic Analysis: Start by conducting a demographic analysis to identify regions with a high concentration of potential families that match the school’s ideal student profile. Use data such as income levels, educational background, and family size to determine the most promising areas.
  • School Affiliation: Consider areas where current parents and alumni reside, as their proximity to the event location can enhance attendance and engagement.

Step 2: Determine Schedule, Date, and Time

  • Coordination with Division Heads and Head of School: Schedule a meeting with division heads and the head of school to determine the best date and time for the event. Consider school calendars, local events, and holidays to avoid conflicts.
  • Convenient Timing: Choose a time that is convenient for both current and prospective parents, typically an evening or weekend event.

Step 3: Select Special Presentation

  • Content Development: Collaborate with division heads and the head of school to create a special presentation tailored to the audience. This could include highlights of the school’s achievements, student testimonials, or a showcase of the school’s unique programs.
  • Engaging Format: Ensure the presentation is engaging, visually appealing, and concise to maintain the attention of prospective families.

Step 4: Identify and Confirm Hosts

  • Host Selection: Identify potential hosts from the current parent community who are well-respected, enthusiastic about the school, and have a suitable home for hosting the event. Get approval from division heads to ensure alignment with the school’s image and goals.
  • Contact and Invitation: Reach out to the prospective host to discuss the event details and formally invite them to participate. Provide them with a clear understanding of their role and the event’s objectives.

Step 5: Involve Parent Volunteers

  • Recommendations: Seek recommendations from division heads on which families would make excellent parent volunteers for the event. Volunteers can assist with logistics, greet guests, and share their positive experiences with the school.

Step 6: Determine Invitation List

  • Division Counts:Work with division heads to determine the number of invitations to be sent out for each division.
  • Notification: Notify division heads of the final invitation counts to ensure they are informed and can support follow-up efforts.

Step 7: Organize Event Logistics

  • Flower and Food Arrangements: Coordinate with the host to arrange for catering and decorations. Ensure the selections reflect the school’s brand and create a welcoming atmosphere.
  • Invitation Production: Design and produce the invitations, ensuring they are professional, informative, and visually appealing. Include all necessary details such as date, time, location, and RSVP instructions. Include pictures of your current students who live in the area.
  • Invitation Distribution: Send out the invitations well in advance to allow families time to plan. Use both physical and digital invitations to maximize reach.

Step 8: Manage RSVP and Communication

  • RSVP Tracking: Maintain an up-to-date RSVP list, noting any special accommodations or preferences. Update the host, division heads, admission staff, and head of school on the expected number of attendees.
  • Event Reminders: Send reminder emails or messages to confirmed guests a few days before the event to ensure high attendance.

Step 9: Event Set-Up and Execution

  • Event Materials: Gather all necessary admission materials, brochures, and school swag to distribute at the event. Ensure the presentation is ready to go and that all technology is tested in advance.
  • Assignments: Create a round-robin grid to ensure all staff, hosts, and volunteers know their responsibilities and can rotate through different roles during the event.
  • Name Tags: Prepare name tags for all attendees, including students and their grades, to facilitate introductions and networking.
  • Final Preparations: Ensure the set-up is complete at least an hour before the event starts. This includes arranging seating, setting up the presentation area, and preparing food and beverages.

Step 10: Post-Event Follow-Up

  • Thank You Notes: Send personalized thank you notes to the host, parent volunteers, and any other key contributors to express appreciation for their support.
  • Event Debrief: Hold a debrief meeting with division heads and admission staff to review the event’s success, discuss any challenges, and identify improvements for future events.
  • Statistic Report: Compile a report on the event’s impact, including attendance numbers, follow-up actions, and any immediate enrollment interest generated.

By following this action plan, enrollment management professionals can create a well-organized, impactful event that fosters strong connections between prospective families and the school community.

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