Are You Using Your Satisfaction Surveys to Fool Yourself?

Imagine you’re at a fancy restaurant. You’ve just paid $200 for a meal, and the waiter asks, “How was everything?” You reply, “It was good.” Is that enough? For a $200 meal, shouldn’t it be mind-blowingly excellent?

Now, let’s talk about your independent school. You’re not just serving meals; you’re shaping futures. And the price tag? It’s in the luxury category. So why are you settling for “good” or even “very good” on your satisfaction surveys?

The School-Family Marriage: It’s Complicated

Picture this: A couple, married for 20 years. They argue often, live separate lives, and haven’t shared a bed in over a year. Yet, they stay together. Sound familiar? It should, because it’s eerily similar to how some families stick with their chosen schools.

Here’s the kicker: Just because a family doesn’t leave your school doesn’t mean they’re over the moon about it. They might be like that couple – staying together for convenience, habit, or fear of change.

Decoding Your Satisfaction Survey: The Truth Behind the Numbers

Let’s look at these survey results:

  • Outstanding: 25%
  • Very Good: 47%
  • Satisfactory: 25%
  • Marginal: 2%
  • Poor: <1%

At first glance, you might think, “Wow, 72% think we’re Very Good or Outstanding! We’re killing it!” But hold on. You’re not running a budget airline or a fast-food joint. You’re providing premium education at premium prices.

The Luxury Standard: Are You Meeting It?

In the world of luxury, “good” isn’t good enough. Neither is “very good.” For the prices families are paying, you should be aiming for:

  • Outstanding: 60% or more
  • Very Good: 25% or more
  • Total of Outstanding and Very Good: 85% minimum

Anything less, and you’re not delivering on your premium price.

The Silent Majority: What Your Surveys Aren’t Telling You

Remember, for every parent who gives you a “Satisfactory” rating, there’s a story. Maybe they’re:

  1. Too busy to switch schools
  2. Worried about disrupting their child’s social life
  3. Hoping things will improve
  4. Simply conflict-averse

These parents won’t sing your praises from the rooftops. But they might whisper criticisms at dinner parties or warn new families moving to the area.

The Real Question: Would They Choose You Again?

Here’s a survey question that could reveal more than any satisfaction rating:

“If you could go back in time, would you choose our school again?”

This question cuts through the noise. It reveals not just satisfaction, but true loyalty and belief in your school’s value.  Or try the Net Promotion Scoring tool.

Turning the Tables: From Good to Outstanding

So, how do you move from “good enough” to “can’t imagine sending my child anywhere else”? Here are three strategies:

  1. Personalize the Experience: Treat each family like they’re your only client. Regular check-ins, personalized progress reports, and tailored communication can make all the difference.
  2. Exceed Expectations: Don’t just meet the curriculum requirements. Go above and beyond with unique learning opportunities, cutting-edge programs, and world-class facilities.
  3. Create a Community: Foster a sense of belonging that extends beyond the classroom. Family events, parent workshops, and alumni networks can create a community that families won’t want to leave.

Remember, in the world of independent schools, you’re not just competing with other schools. You’re competing with every other luxury experience a family could choose. Make sure you’re not just satisfying – you’re delighting.

Are you ready to raise the bar? Your families – and your school’s future – are counting on it.

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