The 5 Marketing Objectives Every Private School Needs (But Most Ignore)

Picture this: You’re sitting in a room full of private school enrollment management professionals, members of a consortium you’ve just join. It’s focused is on recruiting students. You ask, “Who has a solid marketing plan?” Crickets. Tumbleweeds. The uncomfortable shifting of bodies in chairs.

Sounds familiar? It should. Because I’ve seen it happen. Twice.

The Marketing Plan Paradox

Here’s a head-scratcher for you: How can a group of schools, some collaborating for over a decade, operate without a marketing plan? It’s like trying to sail a ship without a map or compass. You might move, but you’re not going anywhere specific.

But here’s the kicker: It’s not just the old-timers. Even new consortiums are guilty of this marketing malpractice. They’re out there targeting cities, burning through resources, all without a clear plan.

Madness, right?

The 5 Objectives That Will Revolutionize Your Enrollment Game

But fear not, dear educator. I’m about to hand you the keys to the kingdom. Five simple objectives that will transform your marketing from a shot in the dark to a laser-guided missile.

Ready? Let’s dive in.

1. Solve the Right Problem

Pop quiz: Why would a parent pay for something they can get for free?

The answer isn’t in your fancy brochures or state-of-the-art facilities. It’s in the problem you’re solving.

Parents come to you because something’s missing. Your job? Figure out what that is. Is it logistical (How do I choose?), programmatic (Does this school offer what my child needs?), transformational (Will my child grow?), or personal (Can we manage the commute?).

Identify the problem, and you’re halfway to solving it.

2. Showcase Your Expertise

Here’s a truth bomb: Parents don’t want a school. They want experts who can guide their child’s future.

So, stop selling and start educating. Offer free advice. Share insights. Become the go-to source for all things education.

Remember: People don’t buy from schools. They buy from experts.

3. Prove You Can Deliver

Your mission statement looks great on the wall. But can you back it up?

Parents want evidence. They need to believe you can transform their child’s life. So show them. Use stories, data, testimonials. Make your success so tangible they can taste it.

4. Justify Your Price Tag

Let’s face it: private school education isn’t cheap. And parents are weighing more than just dollars. They’re investing time, effort, and emotional energy.

Your job? Make it a no-brainer. The benefits you offer should so wildly outweigh the costs that saying “no” becomes unthinkable.

5. Build an Army of Advocates

Here’s where the magic happens. Turn satisfied parents into raving fans. Convert alumni into ambassadors. Make educational consultants your biggest cheerleaders.

Why? Because word-of-mouth isn’t just powerful. It’s nuclear. When others sing your praises, your enrollment practically manages itself.

The Bottom Line

Creating a marketing plan isn’t just about filling seats. It’s about creating a narrative so compelling, so irresistible, that families can’t help but want to be part of your story.

So, stop fumbling in the dark. Grab these five objectives and let them guide you. Because in the high-stakes world of private education, you can’t afford to leave your marketing to chance.

Remember: A school without a marketing plan is like a classroom without a teacher. It might look the part, but nothing meaningful is happening inside.

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