Not the Strongest Brand? Six Ideas to Increase Your Success

So, you’re not the strongest brand in your private school market. You’re not alone. But guess what? That’s okay. Your fortunate, because your competition isn’t expanding the number of student spaces it offers each year like Walmart opening more stores or Ferrari selling more and more cars. You just need to figure out how to get enough to feel your seats out of the ones that the superbrands in your area don’t need. Here are six ideas to help you to get your share.

1. Don’t Go Head-to-Head with Top Brands

Let’s be real. Competing directly with the top-tier private schools on common selling points is a losing battle. They’re bigger, faster, and stronger for a reason. They’ve earned their top spots. So, why try to beat them at their own game? Instead, focus on what makes your school unique. Find your niche, your sweet spot, and amplify it.

2. Find Your Sweet Spot

If your unique selling point is the same as the top brands, you’re out of luck. Why would anyone settle for second best if the cost is roughly the same? Your differentiation needs to be clear, compelling, and worth the investment. Maybe it’s a unique program, a special focus on arts or sciences, or a distinctive community feel. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something the top brands can’t offer, families want, and you are selling it hard.

3. Choose the Right Competition

Pick your battles wisely. Compete in a league where you have a fighting chance. Then, highlight the areas where you excel—be it quality of programs, faculty, or facilities. Too often, schools undersell themselves. Don’t be one of them. Package your strengths compellingly and let your distinct advantages shine through.

4. Flaunt Your Wares

Don’t shy away from showcasing what makes your school special. Generic marketing isn’t going to cut it. Take a page from Northfield Mount Hermon, which rebranded its revisit days to “Envision NMH Days.” This simple change made a stronger impression. What unique twist can you add to your promotional materials?

5. Make the Choice Easy

Once you’ve nailed down your unique educational program, it’s time to find the families who prefer your approach. Consistently communicate why you offer what you do, how you do it differently, and back it up with testimonials from like-minded parents and students. Focus the testimonials around the problems that you solve for them, not just the generic idea that you offer and excellent program. Personal stories and authentic experiences are powerful tools for attracting the right families.

6. Be the Best in Your Field

Avoid the trap of trying to be everything to everyone. Stick to what you do best and keep improving it. Specialize, refine, and perfect your niche. Stay focused on your differentiation and use it to your advantage. Tell them about it and demonstrate it. 

The Bottom Line

You might feel the urge to compete directly with top-branded schools, but resist it. Flank them instead. Use your unique strengths and stay true to your differentiation. This strategy works against both public and private schools. 

Remember, it’s not about being the biggest or the strongest. It’s about getting the share that you need, because you do something uniquely well. And that’s a game you can win.

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