Private Schools: Seven Reasons to Use Corporate Marketing Strategies

In 1997, as a new director, I faced a dilemma. I needed a marketing plan, but veteran directors were unable to provide guidance. One director had a plan, but he couldn’t share it. I was on my own. I dedicated significant effort to finding the information I needed. I attended programs by NAIS, AISNE, ISM, and EMA. I even ventured into the college world with AACRAO programs. But I still lacked the training to execute a solid plan. That’s when I turned to the corporate world, where I discovered a treasure trove of marketing strategies.

My eyes were opened to strategies honed by corporations investing tens to hundreds of millions of dollars in marketing, communication, and sales systems. I found more affordable ways to learn through authors and researchers like Jack Trout, Patrick Hanlon, Al Ries, and Malcolm Gladwell, who distilled the secrets of successful profit organizations and the pitfalls to avoid. Jim Collins, in his book “Good to Great and the Social Sector,” emphasized, “A culture of discipline is not a principle of business; it is a principle of greatness.”

As you consider advancing your marketing efforts, here are seven reasons to leverage corporate world insights:

  1. Corporate Expertise in Action

Corporations hire highly paid experts to drive purchases. Think about the kind of investment brands like Ferrari or IBM make in marketing research. These companies don’t leave anything to chance. They spend vast amounts of money to understand consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. In comparison, the resources allocated to marketing research in the education sector are minimal. Yet, the principles remain the same. Understanding your market deeply allows you to tailor your messaging and outreach in a way that resonates more effectively with potential families. Imagine having the same level of insight and expertise guiding your strategies. It’s about leveraging proven methods and adapting them to your specific context.

  1. Accessible Research and Insights

Expert authors in marketing share their extensive research for the cost of a book or workshop. Jack Trout’s positioning theories, Patrick Hanlon’s brand strategies, Al Ries’ marketing warfare, and Malcolm Gladwell’s tipping points offer a wealth of knowledge. These resources condense years of research and millions of dollars of corporate investment into digestible and actionable insights. Investing in these resources is essentially investing in a shortcut to success. These experts have done the heavy lifting. By applying their principles, you can avoid common pitfalls and focus on what works. It’s not just about reading these books or attending these workshops; it’s about integrating their lessons into your daily operations and strategic planning.

  1. Evidence of Success

Experience firsthand why corporations like Apple, Starbucks, Southwest, Disney, Toyota, or Google succeed. As a consumer, analyze why you are loyal to these brands. These companies excel because they understand their customers at a granular level. Apple doesn’t just sell products; it sells an experience and a lifestyle. Starbucks creates a third place between home and work. Southwest Airlines emphasizes friendly service and no hidden fees. Disney offers magical experiences that transcend generations. Toyota provides reliable and affordable vehicles. Google makes information universally accessible and useful. Each of these companies understands its unique value proposition and communicates it effectively. As enrollment management professionals, we can learn from these examples. Think about what makes your school unique. How can you communicate that effectively to prospective families? 

  1. Understanding Your Audience

Many companies target discerning full-pay customers, similar to our clientele. Consider why your customers choose Rolex, Mercedes, or vacation homes over other options. These customers value quality, exclusivity, and prestige. They are not just buying a product; they are buying an identity and a set of values. The same principles apply to education. Full-pay families are looking for more than just a school; they are looking for a community, a vision, and a commitment to excellence. They want to ensure their investment in education yields tangible results. By understanding what drives these families, you can better tailor your messaging and engagement strategies. It’s about speaking to their aspirations and demonstrating how your school can fulfill them.

  1. Adaptable Strategies

Corporate strategies can be adapted to fit the education sector. With an open mind, tailor these strategies to meet your school’s needs. For example, consider the concept of brand storytelling. Companies like Nike and Coca-Cola don’t just sell products; they sell stories that resonate with their audience. Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign is not just about athletic wear; it’s about empowerment and overcoming obstacles. Coca-Cola’s advertising often focuses on happiness and togetherness. How can you apply storytelling to your school’s marketing efforts? Perhaps it’s through alumni success stories, showcasing the unique journey of each student, or highlighting the dedication of your faculty. Storytelling makes your message more relatable and memorable.

  1. Leveraging Technology

Technology offers affordable access to 21st-century tactics: websites, blogs, social media, marketing automation, consumer data, Google AdWords, artificial intelligence software, and customer relationship marketing systems. Custom printing is now more affordable, too. Embrace these fantastic options. The digital age has leveled the playing field, allowing schools to reach a broader audience more efficiently. Social media platforms enable you to engage with prospective families in real-time, answer their questions, and showcase the daily life at your school. Marketing automation tools can help you nurture leads through personalized email campaigns, ensuring no prospective family falls through the cracks. Data analytics tools allow you to track the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions. These technologies are not just for corporations; they are available to everyone and can significantly enhance your marketing effectiveness.

  1. Moving Beyond Traditional Methods

Are you tired of the same old strategies discussed at independent school conferences? It’s time to move beyond “That’s old hat” or “I’ve tried that, and it only works if they’re already interested.” It’s time to embrace innovation and think outside the box. Corporate marketing strategies offer a wealth of innovative approaches that can breathe new life into your marketing efforts. Whether it’s leveraging the power of influencer marketing, creating immersive virtual tours of your campus, or using behavioral data to personalize your outreach, there are countless ways to stand out from the crowd. The key is to remain open to new ideas and continuously seek out ways to improve and innovate.


Ready to elevate your marketing game? Start by exploring online resources like by Sean D’Souza and by Alex Hormozi. Adapt and integrate new corporate strategies to achieve the results you desire. The world of marketing is vast and ever-evolving, and by tapping into the wealth of knowledge available in the corporate sector, you can position your school for greater success. Remember, the principles of effective marketing are universal. It’s about understanding your audience, communicating your unique value, and continuously adapting to meet the needs of your prospective families. By doing so, you can create a powerful and effective marketing strategy that drives enrollment and fosters a thriving school community.

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