Planning ideas on a chalkboard

7 Summer Strategies for Advancing Your Enrollment Management Work

Summer might traditionally be seen as the slowest time for schools, but for Enrollment Management Professionals, it’s a crucial period for laying the groundwork for the upcoming academic year. Even if your school is still busy in the summer trying to bring in more applications, you should still fit in a couple of these ideas to enhance your admission program and progress your marketing and recruitment efforts. Let’s dive into the strategies that can make a difference:

1. Data Analysis and Reporting

Picture this: it’s a warm summer day, and you’re diving deep into your enrollment data from the previous year. OK, maybe that isn’t how you want to picture yourself on a warm summer day.  However, this is your chance to analyze application trends, yield rates, retention numbers, and attrition data. Don’t overlook the full-pay family data. If you’re one of those schools that can lump these numbers together with the aided group, that’s great. But for the majority who can’t afford to ignore this, you’ll find that separating full-pay students can reveal unexpected insights. Comprehensive reporting on these findings can inform your strategic planning and targeted recruitment efforts.

2. Enhancing Marketing Strategies

Summer is the perfect time to breathe new life into your marketing materials. Review and refresh your school’s website, brochures, and social media profiles. Highlight unique programs, recent achievements, and student testimonials. Are you addressing the problems, needs, and desires of your prospective families effectively? Refine your messaging to make sure it’s consistent across all platforms, helping them believe that your school can deliver on its promise.

3. Community Engagement and Relationship Building

Building strong relationships with feeder schools, community organizations, and local influencers can significantly impact enrollment numbers. Yes, people are on vacation, and some schools close for the summer. But why not entice them with lunch at your school or a guest speaker who can address their challenges? New partnerships lead to increased referrals and a stronger community presence.

4. Professional Development

Take advantage of the slower summer pace to attend workshops, webinars, and conferences. Stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in the field. Organizations like the Association of Independent School Admission Professions (AISAP), Independent School Management (ISM), and the Enrollment Management Association (EMA) offer a wealth of programs. Networking with peers and learning from industry leaders can provide new insights and innovative approaches to enrollment management.

5. Planning Open Houses and Tours

With the busy school year behind you, summer is the perfect time to plan and organize open houses and tours. These events are critical for showcasing your school’s facilities, culture, and academic programs. Think about what you can do differently this time to increase the value of these programs, particularly when all your competitors are doing open houses and tours too. Ensuring these events are well-organized and engaging can leave a lasting impression on prospective families.

6. Reviewing and Updating Admissions Processes

Take a close look at your admissions process to identify any bottlenecks or areas for improvement. Are the questions in your application serving you well? Are there onerous ones for families that aren’t necessary? Is your evaluation matrix working for you? Are you getting consistency among the readers? Simplifying application procedures, enhancing communication with applicants, and ensuring a smooth and welcoming experience can boost applicant satisfaction and conversion rates.

7. Collaborating with Faculty and Staff

Engage with faculty and staff to gather feedback on the enrollment process and discuss ways to improve it. Collaboration can lead to new ideas and a more cohesive approach to welcoming new students and families into the school community.

So, what’s the real takeaway? It’s about transforming the “slow” summer months into a powerhouse of productivity and preparation. When you focus on these seven strategies—data analysis, marketing enhancements, community engagement, professional development, meticulous planning of open houses, refining admissions processes, and faculty collaboration—you’re not just preparing; you’re setting the stage for unparalleled success.

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